
创新指导和办公室 网络学习(OIIE)

The 创新教学和电子学习办公室 (OIIE) collaborates with schools within 欧文康考迪亚大学 to identify and develop academic programs, 在研究和学习理论的基础上创新教学策略, 并在设计上支持教员, 发展, 并传授培养智慧的学习经验, 可敬的, 有教养的公民.


The OIIE is committed to providing our faculty with the best available tools and resources to promote deep learning and meaningful 经验s for students. 和教学设计师一起工作, 你可以开发新的教学媒介, 完善课程组织, 将注重学生成果的课程活动联系起来, 或者在提供课程时考虑学生的情境结果. 联系我们 学习我们的教学设计师如何帮助你.

Seema Atalla



在加州大学洛杉矶分校学习比较文学之后, Seema Atalla began her career as a literary translator and community college professor. 她在中山大学英语系任教. San Antonio College for nearly ten years, focusing mainly on 发展al writing courses. She also initiated 发展 of the Arabic language program for the Department of World Languages, 编写课程和创建教学材料, 然后成为第一个在圣塔芭芭拉山教授阿拉伯语的人. SAC.

最终,她回到了研究生院,获得了硕士学位.S. 在加州州立大学富勒顿分校获得教学设计与技术学士学位, 以优异成绩完成为期五个学期的以群体为基础的课程. Her thesis project focused on high-impact practices that foster student engagement.

In 2015, Seema joined 欧文康考迪亚大学 as Assistant Director of 教学设计. 她在那个职位上工作了将近三年, 并于2018年8月晋升为董事. As Director, she is tasked with managing online course 发展 across all programs. She also continues to work one-on-one with subject matter experts to design and develop individual courses. 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, Seema很欣赏这个热情好客的社区, and the chance to work with so many staff and faculty members across campus. 她也很享受与基督徒团契的机会, 尤其喜欢周二至周四教堂里的传统赞美诗.




After studying history at UC Irvine, Sarah decided that she wanted to be a high school teacher. 毕业后不久, she went on a 6-month mission trip to Japan that changed her life and her goals. 在她的传教之旅中, 她看到了英语是如何弥合文化之间的鸿沟的, 所以她把学习重点从历史转向了英语作为第二语言(ESL)。.

莎拉赢得了M.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) degree from Biola University. 她在一所小型大学开始了她的教学生涯. Then, she began teaching at a private school in Anaheim where she remained for the next six years. After her 7 ½ years in education, she began pursuing a career in 教学设计.

Sarah completed her certification in eLearning 教学设计 from UCI. 在加入欧文康考迪亚大学之前, 她在奥兰治县工作, 为员工在OCPW开设了多个课程. 她很兴奋,她可以使用她的知识, 经验, and passion for education in her role as an 指导设计师 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.


We love to share our expertise in support of academic media initiatives by incorporating media-based methods of instruction and interactivity into courses, seminars, 演讲, 研讨会, 和培训. 除了, 我们可以制作视频课程和动画来增加你的校园生活, online, 或者混合课程. 我们很乐意与您合作-请 联系我们.

Alex Ray



在拿到B之后.S. 加州大学水生生物学专业, 圣芭芭拉分校, Alex Ray worked as a field scientist conducting subtidal marine surveys with the PISCO Lab at the northern Channel Islands off the coast of 圣芭芭拉分校 and Ventura. The purpose of the surveys was to monitor and assess the effectiveness of marine protected areas in supporting wildlife populations and biodiversity. 一些结果和结论可以在10年后的cims上找到.

Alex ultimately left fieldwork to return to school to obtain his single-subject teaching credentials in biology, chemistry, 和加州大学的地球科学, Irvine. His work in the credential program eventually led to a master of science degree from UCI in Biological Sciences and Educational Media Design. This in turn led to his work on a multiyear National Science Foundation grant tasked with investigating the effects of arts-science integrated curricula on student achievement in earth, life, 以及物理科学. 结果尚未公布.

In 2016, Alex came to 欧文康考迪亚大学 to join the 创新教学和电子学习办公室 where he currently serves as Director of 学术媒体发展. 尽管他的职责各不相同, his academic and research interests are focused on efficient leveraging of media to support student learning in ways that weren’t readily accessible during his own undergraduate and graduate school education. Of particular interest to him is the concept of tailoring asynchronous design to meet students’ spatial and temporal limitations through the use of intentional versus opportunistic learning opportunities and matching them to appropriate instructional media.

Alex和他的妻子Jess和他们的两个孩子住在Dana Point. 当他有时间的时候, he enjoys free diving and spearfishing off the 加州 and Baja coastlines and, 在水上度过了美好的一天之后, 给他的家人喂刚从深海捕获的食物.


The Department of 教师培训与发展 (FTD) is part of the 创新教学和电子学习办公室. FTD (formerly CELT) facilitates the creation and support of diverse learner-centered teaching environments. 要求个人或团体的教育技术培训.

  • Dr. 约翰·兰德尔 Dr. 约翰·兰德尔
  • 创新教学和电子学习办公室高级主任
  • (949) 214-3358
Dr. 约翰·兰德尔



Dr. 约翰·兰德尔 has been helping others use technology in educational settings since 1994. His professional career began as a corporate instructor who trained employees on various software applications. In 1998, John accepted the position of Technology Coordinator at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church and School in Lake Forest, 加州, 他在哪里教计算机课, 管理网络, servers, 和网站, 同时也帮助教师以合理的教学方式使用技术. In 2004, he began teaching for 欧文康考迪亚大学 as an adjunct professor in the School of Education. In 2007, he took a full-time position with Concordia Irvine as a professor of 教学设计 as well as the Senior Director of 教师培训与发展. In 2016, John earned his Doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Learning Technologies from Pepperdine University.


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