
加州教练会议|教练硕士 and 体育管理|康考迪亚大学欧文分校

2024年6月24日- 28日








崔/ MCAA校友


Hosted by the Master's in Coaching Program 在欧文的康考迪亚大学

2024年6月24日- 28日

加州教练会议 (CCC) hosted on campus and in person on 欧文康考迪亚大学's campus in beautiful Southern California. The CCC provides a great opportunity to network with coaches and administrators from across the country. Current students have the option to take an elective course, 聆听体育专家和经验丰富的领导者. 会议时间为星期一至星期五上午8时至下午5时.

CA. Coaches Conference will include in-person presentations from 4 keynote speakers, provide 9 sport specific classes to choose from with one elective strength, 速度, 条件类选项. Lodging is available on campus in dorms (fee applicable) or off campus at a near by hotel; Sonesta Hotel, 欧文. 请与罗谢尔·肖特联系 (电子邮件保护) 更多住宿资料.


2023 CCC时间表亮点:


The 2023 加州教练会议 (CCC) was held from June 26-30th on the campus of 欧文康考迪亚大学. Students from across America and the World made the trip to 欧文, California where weather conditions were absolutely perfect all week with temperatures in the mid 70s and a cool ocean breeze.

This year's conference started off with continental breakfast each morning and the promise of great events throughout the week. Monday morning's Keynote Speaker was David Baker; past President of the Pro 足球 Hall of Fame, 欧文市市长兼议员, 目前是传奇生活的总裁兼首席执行官. He delivered a sensational message on Character: The Key to Transformational Leadership. His welcome message motivated Faculty and Students as they progressed through their first full day of MCAA/MSCE Elective course work.

Day two consisted of our 祈祷早餐会上 event where a full breakfast, message and blessings offered to all by MCAA Director Jim Kunau was provided. The keynote speaker was Alumna and 正规赌博十大平台排行 Director at Midland University, Courtney Thomsen. Her in-depth coverage of How to Lead in Times of Change gave all our attendees a developing plan to continue progressing as the world around us flows.

Wednesday, day three, provided CUI’s Servant Leadership Program Director, Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier delivered a very impactful address to our attendees on Effective Servant Leadership. As a former MCAA adjunct professor and a long time higher education leader we were excited to welcome him back as one of our Keynote Speakers. 一旦上午的课程结束, MCAA接待了工作人员, 教师, alumni and current students to an on campus community lunch, 被称为金鹰混合. 参加者享用午餐, 玩草地游戏, made connections with each other and took photos in our photo booth.

Thursday was the most event packed day of the conference week. 康考迪亚欧文体育总监, Crystal Rosenthal delivered a phenomenal speech on Leading with Authenticity and Integrity. 上午的课程结束后, the conference transitioned to the Athletic Directors Roundtable discussion. We were blessed to have four experienced and knowledgeable Athletic Directors from around the state answering questions and sharing their experiences with the audience. Immediately following the 正规赌博十大平台排行 Directors Roundtable, 加州教练大会由iHeartMedia主办, AM 570 Radio and 蒂姆·盖茨 as he conducted a LIVE podcast interview with an in-person audience. MCAA创始人, 汤姆白色, 校友比安卡·利特尔顿和斯科特·斯奈德加入主持, 蒂姆·盖茨, at the interview desk as the audience participated in a question and answer section of the event. 寻找视频将被上传到网站很快.

随着CCC即将结束, day five started with a Closing Prayer and Blessings delivered by MCAA Director Jim Kunau followed by final class sessions of sport specific courses. Next year's event is scheduled for June 24 - 28th on the campus of 欧文康考迪亚大学. 我们希望你能参加明年的活动! 报名即将开始.


The conference offers 9 sport specific breakout courses (listed below) that allow coaches and athletics directors the opportunity to gain even more knowledge in their desired field using a hands-on approach. 应用运动科学与策略:


# CACoachCon


会议上利率 & 包


  • 在加州尔湾的校园里
  • 现场指导和演示
  • 4主旨演讲嘉宾
  • 9体育专项课程
  • 运动专门的场外访问-细节TBA
  • Athletic Director Round Table Discussion - Open to all participants
  • 热门话题讨论-开放给所有参与者
  • 住宿-请联系罗谢尔在 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息
  • 无学分


  • 研究生信贷 (4)单位


  • 崔/ MCAA校友 (不计学分)


  • 2+ coaches, same school; non-credit


* 价格可能会有变动


Current students can register for any one of the sport-specific courses via MyRecords to participate in the 加州教练会议. 在结构上, the course will be one week in length (June 26 - June 30) and will meet 8 am to 5 pm on campus. 学生将获得4个学分的选修课程.

If you have any questions or would like more information please reach out to us: (电子邮件保护) (学术顾问)

For more information about the CCC, please direct any questions to:


Sr. 项目外展协调员 
